Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Roasted aubergine with potatoes, thyme, rosemary, garlic, yoghurt, honey, parmesan & topped with avocadoes. Serve with butter brown rice & French bean

Thyme has long been known as a symbol of courage, style and elegance. Ancient Greeks used thyme in baths and anointing oils. The Romans considered it a remedy for melancholy. Crusaders wore scarves embroidered by their ladies with a bee ove...r a sprig of thyme. A bed of thyme was thought to be a home for fairies.

Read more at Suite101: Thyme - Uses and Health Benefits: History of Thyme, Growing and Cooking With Thyme

The essential oil of thyme is one of the most important oils in aromatherapy. It is used to boost the mind, spirit, and body. The vapor from the essential oil is used to treat exhaustion, headaches, and depression as well as upper respirato...ry complaints, skin and scalp irritations and to prevents warts.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Organic baked potatoes with rosemary, thyme, garlic, yoghurt, avocadoes, parmesan & caramelized balsamic spring onions.

Potatoes enhance brain function. Potatoes contain all the nutrients that enable proper brain functioning. For one, potato contains a good amount of carbohydrates that keep the glucose levels normal and aid the brain function. The high levels of vitamin B6 enhance brain cell activity, and this useful vitamin is required for the production of serotonin, which keeps depression at bay, melatonin which is useful for good sleep, and epinephrine and norepinphrine that helps the body deal with stress.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Organic brown rice pasta with Abriata Sauce. So simple and super delicious.

Did you know tomatoes are a fruit? It’s true, even though the U.S. Supreme Court declared the tomato a vegetable in 1893. And this red fruit also provides plenty of health benefits.

Read more:

Soba noodles with aubergine, mangoes and basil topped with a salad dressing of brown rice vinegar, toasted sesame oil, honey and garlic.
Please note - I have replaced sugar with honey & brown rice vinegar.

Health Benefits of Soba/Buckwheat
Buckwheat also contains choline. Choline, a compound in the vitamin B complex that plays an important role in metabolism, lowers blood pressure, and decreases cholesterol.
The following is the summary of the major health benefits of buckwheat. Decreases cholesterol, Lowers blood pressure
Reduces fat accumulation, Promotes healthy bowel movements
Fits a well-balanced and low-calorie diet.

Mango the Golden Fruit! There are many reasons to consider incorporating mangos into your diet. Not only can they help ward off heart disease and cancer, but they may also enhance your sex drive. When applied directly to the skin, mangos may help unclog the pores and get rid of acne. It is definitely safe to say that mango is a very healthy fruit.
Read more:

Avocado smoothie with Oat Milk & Gula Melaka.

Avocados Fight Cancer & Protect Against Heart Disease and Stroke. Avocados have been shown to prevent oral, breast, and prostate cancer. The unique compositional make-up of the avocado actually causes free radicals to attack cancer cells, while leaving nearby healthy cells untouched.

Read more at Suite101: Avocado Health Benefits: A Superfood That Delivers Optimum Nutrition

Wholemeal Banana Bread with Honey.

Super easy to make, 30mins to prep, 1 hour to bake & there is no sugar. Here's the link to the recipe.

WHOLEMEAL LESS CHEMICALS:- Not only do whole grain products have a high nutritional value but they also contain less chemicals. Refined flour is not naturally white – it is chemically bleached to look this way. Now whilst these chemicals have been passed as safe I think it’s generally better to not put chemical bleach into your body and by consuming whole grain products you can do just that.

Banana the golden fruit of nature! The Secret of perpetual youth.
A large banana supplies more than 100 calories. It contains a large amount of sugar that can be easily assimilated by the body. This makes it a good source of quick of quick and an excellent means to recover from fatigue. The use of bananas has been found beneficial in the treatments of several medical conditions such as intestinal disorders, constipation, arthritis, gout, anemia, allergies, kidney stones, tuberculosis and urinary disorders.

Butter brown rice with portobello mushroom, carrots, red cabbage, garlic, onions, parmesan & top with fresh grated beetroot, alfa alfa sprouts

The perfect brown rice salad with fresh grated beetroot!

Brown rice is a rich source of dietary fibers, vitamin B-Complex, iron, fatty acids and other minerals which are very important for body nourishment and disease fighting mechanism. It helps fight free radicals from invading our body system that caused many killer diseases like heart problems and cancers.

Baked wholemeal flat bread with red onion top with avocado & parmesan.

Avocados my favourite super food!
Avocados have been shown to prevent oral, breast, and prostate cancer. The unique compositional make-up of the avocado actually causes free radicals to attack cancer cells, while leaving nearby healthy cells untouched.

Read more at Suite101: Avocado Health Benefits: A Superfood That Delivers Optimum Nutrition

Rice noodels with Ikan bilis, baby corn, asparagus, ginger, garlic, tumeric & cauliflower.

Super simple & delicious!
Asparagus has so many health benefits, it should be added to the healthy diet. Asparagus is great as a detox vegetable, an anti-aging vegetable, and no surprise - an aphrodisiac, and much more.

Broccoli, Cauliflower, Ginger, Garlic, Tamarind, Pineapple, Chilli, Curry, Okra, Coconut cream & Brown Rice.

Broccoli is also the source of another cancer fighting compound known as indole-3-carbinol. Indole-3-carbinol is believed to lower the risk of hormone dependent cancers like breast cancer by converting estrogens in the body to a weaker form that’s less likely to cause growth of a cancer. Indole-3-carbinol has also been shown to suppress the growth of prostate cancer cells in animals.

Read more at Suite101: The Health Benefits of Eating Broccoli: A Green Vegetable With Nutritional Power

The great news is we don't have to buy organic Pineapple & Broccoli as they are consider safe food compared to tomatoes or strawberries which is full of pesticide. Here is a list of safe fruits & vegetables that we can buy without having to buy organic. http://www.allaboutfasting

Baked eggplant with yogurt, thyme, cranberries, garlic & pesto couscous.

Eggplants can help to lower blood cholesterol levels and also blood pressure, thus lessening the risk of heart disease. The potassium in eggplants helps keep the body hydrated to the correct levels, thus avoiding fluid retention, which can contribute to coronary heart disease.

Simple omelette with sauteed butter mushrooms, thyme, onion, garlic & parmesan.

Since ancient times, thyme has been used as a popular herb for culinary purposes. It is a delicate herb, with a strong fragrance. And it was primarily due to its aromatic properties only that thyme was widely used in ancient Greece. It was burned as incense in sacred temples. Even ancient Egyptians made use of thyme for embalming. It was also used as a symbol of courage in the ancient times.

Honey wholemeal muffins with raisins, orange, yogurt, sunflower oil, cinnamon, nutmeg, five spice & cranberries. No sugar or eggs in this muffins!

So what is so great about whole grain? Well it is all down to the production process. Natural wheat is packed with nutrients, containing high levels of manganese, dietary fibre, tryptophan and magnesium to name just a few. However, as the wheat is refined (modified during production) parts of it are removed. In the case of white flour this often means that up to 40% of the wheat is removed including the nutrient rich bran and germ. White flour is used to make many of the foods that we eat every day including bread, cereal, pasta and rice, meaning that they have a very low nutritional value. By choosing whole grain versions of these products you will be getting much more nutritional value from them and realising greater health benefits for your body which include:

Super juice - Apple, Beetroot, Carrot & Cucumber Juice.

Beet Root the splendid liver and kidney cleanser, full of nutrients and iron!

Carrot juice the miracle juice all over the world. And why not, it is fully loaded with vitamins, minerals and other substances essential for good health. Carrot juice has vitamins A, C, D, E, K, B1, B6 along with iron, calcium, sulfur, copper, chlorine, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium.

Japanese Soba Noodles with Pesto (Fresh Basil, Parsley, Garlic, Parmesan, Pine nuts, Lemon Juice & Olive Oil).

Holy Basil contains flavonoids, which in turn create antioxidants. These are essential in reducing and combating free radicals that cause cancer. Basil is also full of vitamin A and Magnesium. Magnesium is important for protecting the heart.

Tamarine (assam) snapper fillet with eggplant,ginger, onion, garlic, chilli padi, pineapple, curry powder, okra, asparagus & coconut milk.

I love tamarind!

Tamarind is a good source of antioxidants that fight against cancer. Tamarind contains carotenes, vitamin C, flavanoids and B-vitamins.

Organic baked potatoes with parmesan, spring onion, yogurt & spanish onion.

Potatoes are a rich source of vitamin C. Presence of vitamin C makes them very good for your immune system, heart and skin. Some nutrients in sweet potatoes are known to have cholesterol lowering effects.

Baked red snapper with shallots, ginger, garlic brown rice top with caramilized spanish onion with balsamic.

Health Benefits of Ginger Root

The health benefits of ginger root are innumerable. It has antiseptic, stimulating, digestive, expectorant, aphrodisiac, carminative, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, that can be used to treat a wide range of ailments and illnesses. In Ayurveda, ginger root is referred to as a 'carrier herb' or 'synergetic herb'. The root of the ginger plant, known as the rhizome, is where the medicinal properties of ginger lie. The use of ginger root can be beneficial in treating the following illnesses.

Pumkin soup with ginger, garlic, yoghurt, butter and tumeric.

Pumpkin a super food! The truth is that pumpkin contains many beneficial nutrients to your health.

Pumpkin Contains:
- Alpha-carotene
- Beta-carotene
- High Fiber
- Low Calories
- Vitamins C and E
- Potassium
- Magnesium

Brown rice with pineapple, tumeric, raisins & eggs! Super yummy & healthy, full of antioxidant.

Very simple dish to wip up in 20mins! The most importing thing is you must use a wok to give it a good fried. My favourite ingredient in this dish is tumeric.

20 Health Benefits of Turmeric